Privacy Policy

GRIPT – Your Privacy is Our Business

Your right to privacy is a responsibility we take very seriously and we handle your personal information with complete care.

Our Privacy Policy goes into detail about how we collect and handle your personal information, as well as who we exchange your information with, how we store your information and how you can access and correct your information – plus how you can make a complaint about any perceived breach.

This Privacy Policy applies to the services offered by GRIPT Pty Ltd (ABN 29 603 624 424).

Statement Of Confinement:

GRIPT is committed to protecting your privacy and that includes any personal information about you that we collect. GRIPT complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy explains how we may collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle personal and sensitive information.

GRIPT is committed to safeguarding your personal privacy. We recognise that all individuals have a right to control how their personal information is collected - and used – and we take that seriously. Providing personal information is an act of trust and we appreciate your trust in us – we’ll do our best to never let you down. Unless given consent to do otherwise, GRIPT will only collect and use personal information as set out below.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, your personal information may mean some or all of the following: a member’s name, contact details, date of birth, emergency contact details, bank account and/or credit card details, student identification details, employment details, payment history and related sensitive information.

Collecting Personal Information:

GRIPT will not collect or monitor any personal information about an individual without their personal consent. The only personal information that we collect when you sign on with GRIPT is what is provided voluntarily – when you join as a member or enquire as a prospective member.

The reason we collect your personal information, primarily, is to enable us to provide members with our services. GRIPT may also use the information for marketing to you, or for any other purpose permitted under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). You don’t need to identify yourself when you deal with us (e.g. to find out more about membership packages), however, in some situations, our GRIPT team will only deal with individuals who have identified themselves to us.

When a membership or product is purchased from GRIPT, personal information will be requested in order to provide the requested service or product, provide updated information, and advise of other GRIPT products, which may be of interest to your fitness journey. You are not under any obligation to provide this personal information, however, your failure to do so may result in GRIPT being unable to provide services or products to you.

Personal information is collected directly from members or potential future members when they personally complete and submit an application form to become a member of GRIPT. This can be done in person with one of our GRIPT team.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, sensitive information means the information a member has disclosed to us about their physical and mental health and well-being.

Collecting Sensitive Information:

Sensitive information will only ever be used for providing services to members. Your personal information will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes without your consent, except in exceptional cases when disclosure may be required by law or is necessary to protect the rights or property of GRIPT, any GRIPT group company, or any member of the public, or to lessen a serious threat to a person's health or safety. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, sensitive information is a subset of personal information.

Using And Disclosing Your Personal Information:

Personal Information will be used for the following primary purpose:

• To fulfill obligations under a member’s membership agreement and/or any other contract between him/her and GRIPT;

• To render services under a member’s membership agreement;

• To provide information about products, service and/or special offers to members;

• To obtain opinions or comments about products and/or services from members;

• To record statistical data for marketing analysis from member

GRIPT may employ other companies or service providers to assist us in providing our services, including (but not limited to) marketing, market research, mail-house services, hosting and product development services, analysis of member lists and/ or consulting services. These third parties may have access to personal information that is needed to perform their specific function. They cannot use that information for other purposes.

GRIPT recognise the trust you have in us when you provide personal information, and such information will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes without consent, except in exceptional cases when disclosure may be required by law or is necessary to protect the rights or property of GRIPT, any GRIPT group company, or any member of the public, or to lessen a serious threat to a person's health or safety.

Contact By GRIPT:

GRIPT does not send advertising information without obtaining prior consent. If an individual receives communications from GRIPT, which they do not wish to receive, they may remove their name from the database by contacting GRIPT directly at: 0431 764 390

Use Of Tracking Technologies:

GRIPT uses tracking technologies, such as cookies or web beacons, to make use of its website and services as convenient as possible. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to a computer's hard disk for the purposes of record-keeping. Web Beacon is a technical method that sends information related to the access to websites, when you browse websites, open or preview an HTMLformatted email. Most web browsers are set to accept tracking technologies, such as cookies or web beacons. These tracking technologies do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's browser. These tracking technologies allow GRIPT to monitor the GRIPT web site, and to record how many people are using the different parts of the site. It is possible to set the browser to refuse tracking

technologies, such as cookies or web beacons, however, this may limit the services provided by GRIPT's web site.

Individual's Right Of Access:

Individuals have the right to review, amend or delete personal and/or sensitive Information that may be recorded on the GRIPT database. Information may be reviewed, amended or deleted by talking to our GRIPT team directly on 0431 764 390.

A request may be made to delete personal and/or sensitive information, and all reasonable steps to delete the information will be made, except where it is required for legal reasons. Deletion of information may result in GRIPT being unable to sell products directly and/or provide certain services including after sales services.

Storage And Security Of Personal And/Or Sensitive Information:

At GRIPT, we take all reasonable steps to keep secure personal information recorded and to keep this information accurate and up-to-date. GRIPT only permits authorised personnel to access your information and information will only be disclosed to third parties where they have the appropriate authority.

GRIPT And Links To Other Web Sites:

When GRIPT provides links to web sites outside of the GRIPT site, it is important to remember that these linked sites are not under the control of GRIPT, and GRIPT is not responsible for the conduct of companies linked to the GRIPT web site, nor for the performance or otherwise of any content and/or software contained in such external websites.

Complaints, Problems or Questions:

If you’d like to receive some more information regarding our GRIPT Privacy Policy, or to make a complaint about the steps taken by GRIPT to protect your personal information or privacy, please contact GRIPT direct on 0431 764 390 so we can help you.

We will investigate any complaints that we receive and always do our best to resolve them as quickly as possible.

If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint to us, you can refer your complaint to the:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Phone 1300 363 992

Post GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

Online Form: (Privacy Complaint Form).

GRIPT reserves the right to review, amend, update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect its practices and obligations. Any changes will take effect when they are made or posted on our website.